When you are dealing with c2pWindow objects it may be desirable to have a `current' object that the system can assume to use in the event of you not telling it a specific object number. You can get the system to automatically use any new c2pWindow objects that you create with Mc2pWindow by using the MAutoUsec2pWindows statement.
When automatic usage of windows is active, any new c2pWindow that you create will become the `current' c2pWindow object being used, and will remain so until you create another c2pWindow with the automatic usage active, or until you specifically use another object with MUsec2pWindow or MUsec2pWindows.
Possible syntax:
MAutoUsec2pWindows Status.b
Status.b ---- This parameter switches the automatic use of new c2pWindows
On or Off. Generally you can pass to it the `On', `Off', `True' or `False' keywords,
or alternatively 0 means off and any other value means on.